Securely Storing Passwords in System – Password with Salt

Using a password with salt is a common best practice for securely storing passwords in a system. It protects against rainbow table attacks by introducing a random value (the salt) to each password before it is hashed.

What Is Salt?

• A salt is a unique, random value that is added to a password before it is hashed.

• It ensures that even if two users have the same password, their hashed values will be different because the salt is unique for each user.

Steps for Storing Passwords with Salt:

1. Generate a Salt:

• Use a cryptographically secure random generator to create a unique salt for each user.

2. Combine Salt and Password:

• Append or prepend the salt to the user’s password.

3. Hash the Combined Value:

• Use a secure hashing algorithm (e.g., SHA-256, bcrypt, Argon2).

4. Store the Salt and Hash:

• Save both the salt and the resulting hash in your database.

• Ensure the salt is stored in plaintext, as it is not secret.

Example Implementation in Python

Here’s an example using Python with the bcrypt library:

Code Example:

import bcrypt

# Function to hash a password with salt

def hash_password(password: str) -> tuple:

    # Generate a salt

    salt = bcrypt.gensalt()

    # Hash the password with the salt

    hashed_password = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), salt)

    return salt, hashed_password

# Function to verify a password

def verify_password(password: str, salt: bytes, stored_hash: bytes) -> bool:

    # Recompute the hash using the provided password and salt

    computed_hash = bcrypt.hashpw(password.encode('utf-8'), salt)

    return computed_hash == stored_hash

# Example usage

if __name__ == "__main__":

    user_password = "SecurePassword123!"

    # Hash the password

    salt, stored_hash = hash_password(user_password)

    print(f"Salt: {salt}")

    print(f"Stored Hash: {stored_hash}")

    # Verify the password

    is_valid = verify_password("SecurePassword123!", salt, stored_hash)

    print("Password is valid:", is_valid)

Example Database Storage:

Store the salt and hash separately in your database:

User IDSaltHash

Best Practices:

1. Use a Secure Salt Generator:

• Always use cryptographically secure random number generators for salts.

• In Python, os.urandom() or libraries like bcrypt are recommended.

2. Avoid Weak Hashing Algorithms:

• Do not use MD5 or SHA-1, as they are vulnerable to attacks.

• Use algorithms designed for passwords, such as:

bcrypt: Adds internal salt and is computationally expensive.

Argon2: Modern and highly secure (recommended).

PBKDF2: Widely used and secure.

3. Don’t Reuse Salts:

• Always generate a unique salt for each password.

4. Limit Login Attempts:

• Use rate-limiting or captchas to protect against brute-force attacks.

Why Is Salting Important?

Without a salt:

• Identical passwords will have identical hashes.

• Attackers can use precomputed hashes from rainbow tables to crack passwords.

With a salt:

• Each password gets a unique hash, making it infeasible for rainbow tables to be effective.


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