Tag: cstrings

  • <cstring> vs <string> in C++

    C-Style Strings and std::string of STL

    In C++, strings are a sequence of characters used to represent text. C++ provides two primary ways to handle strings:

    Key notes

    • 1. C-Style Strings: Character arrays (from the C language).
    • 2. std::string: A more modern and flexible string class provided by the Standard Template Library (STL).

    1. C-Style Strings

    A C-style string is a null-terminated character array.


    #include <iostream>
    #include <cstring> // For string functions like strlen, strcpy
    int main() {
        char str1[] = "Hello";          // String literal
        char str2[20];                  // Array for storing strings
        std::cout << "Length of str1: " << strlen(str1) << std::endl; // Length of the string
        strcpy(str2, str1);                           // Copy str1 into str2
        strcat(str2, ", World!");                     // Concatenate strings
        std::cout << "str2: " << str2 << std::endl; // Output: Hello, World!
        return 0;

    Common Functions in <cstring>

    • strlen(char*): Get the length of a string.

    • strcpy(dest, src): Copy one string to another.

    • strcat(dest, src): Concatenate strings.

    • strcmp(str1, str2): Compare two strings.


    • Fixed size: Requires pre-defining the array size.

    • Manual memory management: Risk of buffer overflows.

    2. std::string (Preferred in Modern C++)

    The std::string class is part of the C++ Standard Library and provides a safer, easier, and more flexible way to work with strings.

    Key Features

    • Dynamic sizing.

    • Supports many useful operations as member functions.

    • Automatically manages memory.


    #include <iostream>
    #include <string> // Required for std::string
    int main() {
        std::string str1 = "Hello";          // Initialize with a literal
        std::string str2 = "World";
        // Concatenate strings using +
        std::string combined = str1 + ", " + str2 + "!";
        // Length of the string
        std::cout << "Length: " << combined.length() << std::endl;
        // Access individual characters
        std::cout << "First character: " << combined[0] << std::endl;
        // Substring
        std::cout << "Substring: " << combined.substr(7, 5) << std::endl; // Output: World
        // Find a substring
        size_t pos = combined.find("World");
        if (pos != std::string::npos) {
            std::cout << "'World' found at position: " << pos << std::endl;
        // Replace part of the string
        combined.replace(7, 5, "Universe");
        std::cout << "Replaced string: " << combined << std::endl;
        return 0;

    Key Functions of std::string

    Length and Capacity:

    • .length() or .size(): Returns the number of characters.

    • .capacity(): Returns the total allocated capacity.

    Modifying Strings:

    • .append(): Appends another string.

    • .insert(pos, str): Inserts a string at a position.

    • .erase(pos, len): Erases characters from a position.

    • .replace(pos, len, str): Replaces part of the string.

    Substring and Search:

    • .substr(pos, len): Extracts a substring.

    • .find(str): Finds the first occurrence of a substring.

    • .rfind(str): Finds the last occurrence of a substring.


    • ==, !=, <, >: Direct comparison operators for strings.


    • str[index]: Access a character at a specific position.

    3. Converting Between C-Style Strings and std::string

    From C-Style to std::string:

    char cstr[] = "Hello, World!";
    std::string str = cstr; // Automatic conversion

    From std::string to C-Style:

    std::string str = "Hello, World!";
    const char* cstr = str.c_str(); // Returns a C-style null-terminated string

    Comparison Between C-Style Strings and std::string

    FeatureC-Style Stringsstd::string
    Memory ManagementManualAutomatic
    Dynamic SizeNoYes
    Ease of UseLowHigh
    PerformanceFaster for small stringsSlight overhead for safety

    Best Practices

    1. Prefer std::string over C-style strings for safety and flexibility.

    2. Use C-style strings only when required for interoperability with C libraries or performance-critical scenarios.

    3. Avoid direct pointer manipulation unless absolutely necessary.